Riding a bike that is not the right size is can be a (literal) pain in the ass. You might not feel it at first, but when you ride a bike that does not fit you, you are likely to change your position so that you feel better on the bike. And bad habits are not easy to let go!
Now that we are unable to receive you and advise you face to face, we have to make sure that your bike is the right size by doing something different. Luckily, the right measurements of some body parts are far more important than a short test ride on a parking lot. So if you do the measuring, we will advise you about the right frame size. The following sizes are essential when you are looking for the perfect bike size.
So let’s start measuring! These 6 steps will teach you everything you need to know in order to determine the right frame size. You might need an extra pair of hands, so make sure you have someone around to help you!