You are always more then welcome to come and visit us but don’t forget to bring good pastries to complement the fresh coffee we’ll serve you 😉
Just fill out this form so we can plan your visit so we can make sure we have enough appetite for the pastries.
We are #PilotCycles
Be part of our community and explore our social media
Do you have a question for us or are you just in need for a good, cycling related conversation? Do not hesitate to call us or send us an e-mail. We can’t wait to help you.
New address:
De Dieze 24 G
5684 PT, Best
The Netherlands
+31 62 363 2040
VAT Number: NL867524911B01
Chamber of commerce number: 96234695
The titans that ride a Pilot are the ones that have made us into the company that we are today. So please contact us if you have suggestions for Pilot or if you feel that there is room for improvement. Because in the end, we do it together.